Top "Charactercount" questions

Count textarea characters

I am developing a character count for my textarea on this website. Right now, it says NaN because it seems …

javascript jquery html textarea charactercount
How can I find the number of unique characters in a string?

I have found nothing particular for this purpose. I am trying to figure out a function that counts each of …

c count character charactercount
How can I count characters in Perl?

I have the following Perl script counting the number of Fs and Ts in a string: my $str = "GGGFFEEIIEETTGGG"; my $…

regex perl charactercount
TinyMCE, show character count instead of word count

The title says it all. How do I get TinyMCE to show character count instead of word count?

javascript jquery tinymce charactercount
Textarea Character Count using JavaScript

I am implementing a character count for my form's textarea field. I have jQuery currently counting and writing my character …

javascript jquery textarea addeventlistener charactercount
Show characters count while typing in textarea Angular 5

I am trying to write a code to show characters count below the textarea field. I found many solutions for …

angular5 charactercount
How to count characters in RichTextBox using C#

I am new to programming and having problems making a simple code for character counter for a button. I've somehow …

c# count richtextbox charactercount