Top "Character" questions

Refers to a symbol that represents a letter or number.

What exactly is the linear whitespace? (LWS/LWSP)

I saw mention of the term, along with CRLF, CR, LF, CTL (control characters) and SP (space). If it's not …

character special-characters whitespace
Load R package from character string

I want to create a function which includes loading a package that I make within the function. A short example (…

string r character
Dealing with wrong spelling when matching text strings in R

I'm collecting survey data (using open data kit), and my field team, bless their hearts, sometimes get a bit creative …

r merge character spelling misspelling
Swedish characters (åäö) in Vim & Nano

When I'm using Vim or Nano in Mac OS X Lion, the Swedish characters "ÅÄÖ" show up as "åäö". It works fine …

vim encoding utf-8 character nano
Bash: substring from first occurrence of a character to the second occurrence

In bash, how do I get a substring of everything from the first occurrence of a character to the second …

string bash substring character find-occurrences