Change tracking is the process of recording changes made to data as they are made.
I have a context to a read-only database for reporting and I am writing lots of code, like this: using (…
c# entity-framework entity-framework-4.1 change-trackingOriginally I believed that context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; would disable change tracking. But no. Currently I need to use AsNoTracking() …
c# .net entity-framework change-trackingGiven the following code, how does EF/DbContext knows about the change made to the customer object: class Program { static …
c# entity-framework-4 dbcontext change-trackingI am looking to design a database that keeps track of every set of changes so that I can refer …
sql postgresql change-trackingI made a test with code below to update the Product: var existing = await _productRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == …
c# entity-framework aspnetboilerplate change-tracking am using Excel to store data kind of as a relational database for data that will be entered manually (…
excel foreign-key-relationship change-tracking data-entry qlikviewIf I load up an entity, make some changes, and then go to save it, EF generates an update statement. …
c# entity-framework change-trackingWhat tools are you using to track changes in your MySQL database? Currently I'm in a project where we use …
mysql database change-trackingI've encountered what seems to be a common problem: I am updating values in my database, but EF is using …
c# entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-4.1 change-trackingI have a base class that I inherit from that has two zero to many relationships with other entities: public …
.net entity-framework-4.1 ef-code-first change-tracking