Top "Cfml" questions

CFML is a dynamic general-purpose programming language, especially suited for web and intranet development.

Verify mail server connection programmatically in ColdFusion

I'm using custom SMTP servers and would like to verify the connection when user enters his own server credentials. Exactly …

java coldfusion smtp railo cfml
Is ColdFusion on Linux/Apache stable?

I'm working on a site that still has a lot of scripts in ColdFusion. I need to move it to …

apache coldfusion railo cfml
How to implement the OWASP ESAPI validator with groups of validation attempts in ColdFusion?

I have been playing around with the OWASP ESAPI utilities that are included with ColdFusion 9. ColdFusion's Builtin Enterprise Security API. …

coldfusion coldfusion-9 cfml esapi
cfqueryparam with like operator in ColdFusion

I have been tasked with going through a number of ColdFusion sites that have recently been the subject of a …

coldfusion railo cfml openbd
Capitalize first letter of first word in a every sentence in ColdFusion

I want to get a string like this: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tempor pulvinar enim! …

regex coldfusion railo cfml
White Space / Coldfusion

What would be the correct way to stop the white space that ColdFusion outputs? I know there is cfcontent and …

coldfusion whitespace cfml
How to concat two strings and use the result as a variable name in coldfusion?

I have a form which has many fields in the format of name="field-1" name="field-2" name="field-3" name="field-4" …

concatenation cfml evaluate
How to log information from inside <CFScript>

I am learning to use <cfscript>. Is there any way I can log some messages or values inside …

coldfusion cfml lucee
ColdFusion adding extra quotes when constructing database queries in strings

I am coding in ColdFusion, but trying to stay in cfscript, so I have a function that allows me to …

sql string coldfusion railo cfml
Service Temporarily Unavailable error on IIS 8.5 and ColdFusion 10

In the midday the IIS server was just running fine, when I restarted it shows me this error Service Temporary …

iis coldfusion cfml