ColdFusion adding extra quotes when constructing database queries in strings

Alex picture Alex · Nov 5, 2008 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I am coding in ColdFusion, but trying to stay in cfscript, so I have a function that allows me to pass in a query to run it with <cfquery blah > #query# </cfquery>

Somehow though, when I construct my queries with sql = "SELECT * FROM a WHERE b='#c#'" and pass it in, ColdFusion has replaced the single quotes with 2 single quotes. so it becomes WHERE b=''c'' in the final query.

I have tried creating the strings a lot of different ways, but I cannot get it to leave just one quote. Even doing a string replace has no effect.

Any idea why this is happening? It is ruining my hopes of living in cfscript for the duration of this project


ale picture ale · Nov 5, 2008

ColdFusion, by design, escapes single quotes when interpolating variables within <cfquery> tags.

To do what you want, you need to use the PreserveSingleQuotes() function.

<cfquery ...>#PreserveSingleQuotes(query)#</cfquery>

This doesn't address, however, the danger of SQL injection to which you are exposing yourself.

Using <cfqueryparam> also allows your database to cache the query, which in most cases will improve performance.

It might be helpful to read an old Ben Forta column and a recent post by Brad Wood for more information about the benefits of using <cfqueryparam>.