Top "Centos6.5" questions

CentOS CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and aiming to be fully compatible with RHEL.

How to get latest cmake version from CentOS 6.5

Is there a good way to install latest cmake version from CentOS 6.5? I'm doing yum install cmake but it's giving …

linux centos cmake centos6 centos6.5
How to remove all packages from specific repo without dependencies

I know following code will remove all package from specific repo. yum remove $(yum list installed | grep rpmforge | awk '{ …

linux command-line centos repository centos6.5
Unable to pull docker image, getting 'remote error: access denied'

I'm trying to check the installation docker pull hello-world But getting the following error: Pulling repository hello-world Get https://index.…

docker centos6.5
CentOS - yum install - Fails: Protected Multilib versions: problems found libselinux

I have CentOS 6.5 I'm trying to intsall git via yum but getting an error while installing the pre-requisite packages. I …

dependencies centos6 yum centos6.5 libselinux
'No package nginx available' error CentOS 6.5

I'm trying to install nginx on CentOS 6.5, then I added these lines on file /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo …

linux nginx centos installation centos6.5
node-gyp rebuild - Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1

I'm getting an error while doing node-gyp rebuild on CentOS 6.8: File "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/…

node.js node-gyp centos6.5
Memcache extension with PHP 7 on CentOS fails to install

I'm trying to upgrade a fairly large PHP 5.3 code base to PHP 7. It's hosted on CentOS 6.5, so I want to …

memcached pecl php-7 centos6.5
How do I update Apache on CentOS 6.5?

I've spent all day searching Google and trying every command I could find or even think of to update Apache …

linux apache centos6.5
OPEN MPI is not working for me

I have installed MPI and GCC seperatly using yum commands, And now when I use following command: mpic++ first.c …

centos openmpi centos6.5
Build GCC 4.8.1 or higher on CentOS 6.5

I want to use GCC 4.8.1 or higher on a HPC machine with CentOS 6.5 which has a very old GCC. I …

gcc installation rpm centos6.5