Celery is a distributed task queue framework for Python, used for asynchronous and parallel execution.
I'm trying to setup djangocelery to store task results in the databse. I set: CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'djcelery.backends.database.…
django celery djceleryI follow the Celery Django tutorial and the tasks I see in the example (add, mul) work for me perfectly. …
python django celery django-celeryI am using database backend in django celery. The task information is stored in a table called: celery_taskmeta in …
django celery django-celery djceleryI have 2 types of task: async tasks and schedule tasks. So, here is my dir structure: proj | -- tasks | -- __…
python celeryI keep getting the following errors from supervisord at webFaction when tailing the log: INFO exited: my_app (exit status 127; …
python celery supervisord webfactionI'm trying to deploy a simple example of celery in my production server, I've followed the tutorial in the celery …
python django celery django-celeryI've setup Celery with Django ORM as back-end. Trying to monitor what's going on behind the scene. I've started celeryd …
celery django-celeryI have set up celery to work with my django application using their daemonization instructions (http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/…
logging celery django-celeryI want to create a group from a list returned by a Celery task, so that for each item in …
python celery