Top "Catch-block" questions

The `catch-block` in a program is used to handle an `exception` thrown by a block of code.

Flutter dart try catch, catch does not fire

Given the shortcode example below: ... print("1 parsing stuff"); List<dynamic> subjectjson; try { subjectjson = json.decode(response.body); } on …

flutter dart try-catch catch-block
Promise reject Possibly unhandled Error:

I have a function that does some operation using an array. I would like to reject it when the array …

javascript node.js promise catch-block hapijs
Promise reject() causes "Uncaught (in promise)" warning

Once a promise reject() callback is called, a warning message "Uncaught (in promise)" appears in the Chrome console. I can't …

javascript promise es6-promise catch-block
Is "ANR" an exception or an error or what?

Is the ANR an exception, an error or what? Can we actually catch it in a try{} catch(){} structure?

android exception catch-block android-anr-dialog
Can we get LineNumber and ColumnNumber in try block at which exception occured

I have the below code with which i am able to print the fullclassname,classname,methodname, at which error occured. …

java exception exception-handling try-catch catch-block
Is there a situation when it's appropriate to use empty catch block?

Possible Duplicates: Why are empty catch blocks a bad idea? Is there any valid reason to ever ignore a caught …

c# .net exception-handling try-catch catch-block
Catch() not handling 404

I'm making a script to fetch some data from my api: const success = (response) => { console.log(response); }; const failed = (…

javascript api exception-handling promise catch-block
Under C# how much of a performance hit is a try, throw and catch block

First of all, a disclaimer: I have experience in other languages, but am still learning the subtleties of C# On …

c# performance catch-block
Compile/ Catch an exception

I am having a lot of trouble with this code. The code compiled and ran as it was suppose to …

java exception exception-handling try-catch catch-block