Top "Catch-all" questions

Catch-all is a mail server configuration to forward all incoming email to one domain and redirect it to a specific recipient.

nginx server_name wildcard or catch-all

I have an instance of nginx running which serves several websites. The first is a status message on the server's …

nginx catch-all server-name
Entity Framework Caching Issue

I am new to Entity Framework. I have get to some values in my database using EF. It returns perfectly, …

c# entity-framework catch-all
Spring catch all route for index.html

I'm developing a spring backend for a react-based single page application where I'm using react-router for client-side routing. Beside the …

spring spring-mvc spring-boot single-page-application catch-all
Catching all exceptions in Python

In Python, what's the best way to catch "all" exceptions? except: # do stuff with sys.exc_info()[1] except BaseException as …

python multithreading exception-handling python-3.x catch-all
Is there such a thing as a catch-all key for a javascript object?

Considering the following javascript example: var myobj = { func1: function() { alert(name in this) }, func2: function() { alert(name in this) }, func3: …

javascript function key default catch-all