Top "Case-conversion" questions

How can I convert a string to upper- or lower-case with XSLT?

How do you do case conversion in XSL? <xsl:variable name="upper">UPPER CASE</xsl:variable> &…

string xpath xslt case-conversion
Converting camel case to underscore case in ruby

Is there any ready function which converts camel case Strings into underscore separated string? I want something like this: "CamelCaseString".…

ruby-on-rails ruby string formatting case-conversion
Javascript convert PascalCase to underscore_case/snake_case

How can I convert PascalCase string into underscore_case/snake_case string? I need to convert dots into underscores as …

javascript string case-conversion
How can I convert text to Pascal case?

I have a variable name, say "WARD_VS_VITAL_SIGNS", and I want to convert it to Pascal case format: "…

c# pascalcasing case-conversion
Perl, using tr function to convert uppercase to lowercase and vice-versa at the same time?

I have a string $string= 'AbCdEf'; and I want to use the tr function to convert all the uppercase letters …

perl case-conversion
How can I convert from underscores to camel case with a regex?

How can I convert names with underscores into camel case names as follows using a single Java/Perl regular expression …

regex pcre camelcasing case-conversion
Conversion of string to upper case without inbuilt methods

I am trying to perform conversion from a lowercase to uppercase on a string without using any inbuilt functions (other …

python function case-conversion
Convert Unicode/UTF-8 string to lower/upper case using pure & pythonic library

I use Google App Engine and cannot use any C/C++ extension, just pure & pythonic library to do conversion …

python google-app-engine case-conversion
camelCase to underscore in vi(m)

If for some reason I want to selectively convert camelCase named things to being underscore separated in vim, how could …

regex vim replace case-conversion
C / C++ UTF-8 upper/lower case conversions

The Problem: There is a method with a corresponding test-case that works on one machine and fails on the other (…

c++ c utf-8 case-conversion