Top "Carrier" questions

Retrieving Carrier Name from iPhone programmatically

Is there a way to know the cell carrier on an iPhone programmatically? I am looking for the carrier name …

ios networking core-telephony carrier
How do I detect a cellular carrier dynamically through php/ajax/javascript?

I'm asking this because I've been on SO most of the day, and can’t seem to get/find an …

php mysql mobile sms carrier
Prestashop shipping error: There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected

I am new to prestashop. I have installed and added the products to the shop. But for testing when I …

shopping-cart prestashop shipping carrier
Get Network MNC and MCC

I know I can get the carriers Name, MNC and MCC using the following properties of the CTCarrier Class carrierName …

iphone roaming carrier
iPhone - how to determine carrier of the device (AT&T, Verizon, etc?)

Is there a way to get information about the carrier of iPhones programmatically?

iphone ios core-telephony carrier
iOS I can't get my carrier name

as explained here -> Retrieving Carrier Name from iPhone Programmatically i'm trying to get my carrier's name, i'm using …

ios core-telephony carrier