Top "Capture" questions

capture is the process of converting a set of pixels on a screen into a bitmap image stored in memory

What is a capture conversion in Java and can anyone give me examples?

I've noticed JLS talks of 5.1.10 Capture Conversion, but I fail to understand what they are. Can anyone explain them to …

java capture jls
Which /dev/... (devices) are the microphone and speaker in Mac OS X?

I have a MacBook Alluminium and I want to capture the microphone in a RAW format and output a RAW …

macos audio device capture microphone
android camera2 handle zoom

I'm new in Android Camera2 API. I just move my all project to the new Camera2 API. I have used …

android zooming capture android-camera2
bash variable capture stderr and stdout separately or get exit value

I need to capture the output and error of a command in my bash script and know whether the command …

bash variables stdout capture stderr
How to capture desktop screen of computer host where it's running on using node.js

Is there such a way to capture desktop with node.js not a browser tab? I have searched a lot …

node.js screenshot capture screen-capture
How to capture screen image with mouse pointer on it in Java

How to capture screen image with mouse pointer on it in Java? In know that i can capture screen with …

java screen capture
HTML Audio recording until silence?

I'm looking for a browser-based way of recording until a silence occurs. HTML audio recording from the microphone is possible …

javascript html audio capture microphone
Invoking Func passed as a parameter to a mock using Moq and C#

I have a mocked method that looks like this: class NotMineClass { T Execute(Func operation) { // do something return operation(); } } In …

c# .net moq capture xunit
Lambda: Why are captured-by-value values const, but capture-by-reference values not?

Why are captured-by-value values const, but captured-by-reference objects not: int a; auto compile_error = [=]() { a = 1; } auto compiles_ok = [&]() { a = 1; } …

c++ c++11 lambda constants capture
How to capture ip address using jpcap in java

Here is the code to capture the ICMP packets and store in txt file, but the storing information is in …

capture packet icmp jpcap