Top "Capability" questions

Capability is the ability to perform actions.

WordPress: Capabilities for custom post types

I'm writing a plugin which creates a custom post_type. I'd also like the plugin to create a custom role …

wordpress custom-post-type capability
WordPress Create Custom Capability

I'm developing a shopping cart plugin, and planning to create a new user role for customers. My question is how …

wordpress user-roles capability
Glonass satellites are supported or not?

How can be detect if an Android based mobile device is supporting glonass capability or not?

android detect capability
how to allow a role editor to manage woocommerce taxonomies in worpdress?

I want the role Editor to have access to all woocommerce management, I managed to do so by adding capabilities …

php wordpress woocommerce backend capability
App Store: Problem with UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

I've uploaded my first App to App Store, but I did NOT put on the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities that my App requires …

app-store device info.plist capability