Top "Cannot-find-symbol" questions

This tag is used when code returns an error message that a symbol cannot be located.

What does a "Cannot find symbol" or "Cannot resolve symbol" error mean?

Please explain the following about "Cannot find symbol", "Cannot resolve symbol" or "Symbol not found" errors: What do they mean? …

java compiler-errors cannot-find-symbol
How to use a Java class in JSP scriptlet? Error says the class cannot be resolved to a type

I have written a sample JSP file in Eclipse and a Java file and was trying to call the Java …

java jsp compiler-errors cannot-find-symbol
Cannot resolve symbol default_web_client_id in Firebase's Android Codelab

I am trying to learn Firebase, so I went through the Android Codelab. The project they gave me however, had …

android firebase cannot-find-symbol
Cannot find Symbol for char

School assignment, so this code is meaningless. Whenever I try to use a char, I always seem to get this …

java char cannot-find-symbol
Maven throws compilation error, "Cannot find symbol" on @XmlAccessorType, but I can find it

Why is my mvn clean install command telling me that it Cannot find Symbol, when the class that it complains …

java maven jaxb cannot-find-symbol
JOptionPane Cannot Find Symbol

I am trying to create a simple calculator using JOptionPane. I have encountered compiling errors. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public …

java compiler-errors joptionpane cannot-find-symbol
Java - pass object as parameter in constructor

My gaol is to use an instance of a class as parameter for another class. I will describe my problem …

java parameters constructor cannot-find-symbol
Why do I get an error: cannot find symbol variable in R class

The following source code should make a picture and display it on the screen. But I get some errors. Cannot …

java android cannot-find-symbol