Top "Callback" questions

A callback is a piece of code (i.e. the address or reference of a function or method or a lambda expression) that is passed as an argument to other code, which is expected to call back (execute) the argument at some convenient time.

What is a "callback" in C and how are they implemented?

From the reading that I have done, Core Audio relies heavily on callbacks (and C++, but that's another story). I …

c callback
Rails: update_attribute vs update_attributes

Object.update_attribute(:only_one_field, "Some Value") Object.update_attributes(:field1 => "value", :field2 => "value2", :field3 => "value3") …

ruby-on-rails callback update-attributes
How should I call 3 functions in order to execute them one after the other?

If I need call this functions one after other, $('#art1').animate({'width':'1000px'},1000); $('#art2').animate({…

javascript asynchronous callback closures
Callback functions in Java

Is there a way to pass a call back function in a Java method? The behavior I'm trying to mimic …

java callback function-pointers
nodeJs callbacks simple example

can any one give me a a simple example of nodeJs callbacks, I have already searched for the same on …

javascript node.js asynchronous callback asynccallback
How to Define Callbacks in Android?

During the most recent Google IO, there was a presentation about implementing restful client applications. Unfortunately, it was only a …

android callback
How do I convert an existing callback API to promises?

I want to work with promises but I have a callback API in a format like: 1. DOM load or other …

javascript node.js callback promise bluebird
nodejs - first argument must be a string or Buffer - when using response.write with http.request

I'm simply trying to create a node server that outputs the HTTP status of a given URL. When I try …

node.js http callback
What is a callback?

What's a callback and how is it implemented in C#?

c# callback
When to use React setState callback

When a react component state changes, the render method is called. Hence for any state change, an action can be …

reactjs callback setstate