Top "Callback" questions

A callback is a piece of code (i.e. the address or reference of a function or method or a lambda expression) that is passed as an argument to other code, which is expected to call back (execute) the argument at some convenient time.

How to have a javascript callback executed after an update panel postback?

I'm using a jQuery tip plugin to show help tips when the user hovers certain elements of the page. I …

javascript updatepanel callback
What is "callback hell" and how and why does RX solve it?

Can someone give a clear definition together with a simple example that explains what is a "callback hell" for someone …

javascript callback language-lawyer reactive-programming rxjs
Jquery - Perform callback after append

I am appending content to a list using: $('a.ui-icon-cart').click(function(){ $(this).closest('li').clone().appendTo('#cart ul'); }); …

jquery callback append live
Set a callback function to a new window in javascript

Is there an easy way to set a "callback" function to a new window that is opened in javascript? I'd …

javascript html callback new-window
jQuery / Ajax - $.ajax() Passing Parameters to Callback - Good Pattern to Use?

JavaScript code I'm starting with: function doSomething(url) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: url, dataType: "xml", success: rssToTarget }); } Pattern I would …

javascript jquery ajax callback
How do I dynamically invoke a class method in PHP?

How can I dynamically invoke a class method in PHP? The class method is not static. It appears that call_…

php callback
jQuery Plugin: Adding Callback functionality

I'm trying to give my plugin callback functionality, and I'd like for it to operate in a somewhat traditional way: …

jquery function callback
Implementing a callback in Python - passing a callable reference to the current function

I want to implement the Observable pattern in Python for a couple of workers, and came across this helpful snippet: …

python design-patterns functional-programming callback observer-pattern
Executing async code on update of state with react-hooks

I have something like: const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); ... setLoading(true); doSomething(); // <--- when here, loading is still false. …

javascript reactjs callback react-hooks
Rails: Update model attribute without invoking callbacks

I have a User model that has a :credits attribute. I want a simple button that will add 5 to the …

ruby-on-rails ruby model attributes callback