Top "Calculator" questions

Questions about calculators, or calculator programming.

Calculator in C using stack

I'm trying to create a calculator in c, which can calculate with priority and get right results for examples like …

c calculator
Casio - Basic programming

It's a bit urgent... ;) Someone i know have a Casio calculator (FX-9750 / Grahp35+). There is in the menu a functionnality …

basic calculator days
How does a simple calculator with parentheses work?

I want to learn how calculators work. For example, say we have inputs in infix notation like this: 1 + 2 x 10 - 2 …

parsing syntax calculator abstract-syntax-tree
Derivative Calculator

I'm interested in building a derivative calculator. I've racked my brains over solving the problem, but I haven't found a …

math calculator derivative differentiation
Infix Calculator Expression Parser

How do I parse and evaluate expressions in an infix calculator grammar? I thought of two ways. The 1st involves …

c++ parsing stack expression calculator
why is this sin method returning a wrong answer?

Hey, working on some categories and I've bumped up against a weird issue, im basically expanding on a calculator class …

objective-c xcode class trigonometry calculator
jQuery: Multiply a number with 7.5

I'm about to design a webshop, build upon the Big Cartel webshop system. The nearest currency they use is Euro, …

javascript jquery calculator bigcartel
How to get a complex number as a user input in python?

I'm trying to build a calculator that does basic operations of complex numbers. I'm using code for a calculator I …

python python-2.7 input calculator complex-numbers
Java Fraction Calculator

I don't know why my fractions won't reduce. I think it's because I didn't call it but I don't know …

java calculator jgrasp
How would I modify/add text to a tkinter.Label?

I am in the process of learning basic Python. I am currently attempting to create a simple calculator program that …

python user-interface tkinter calculator