Top "Calabash-android" questions

Calabash Android is an automated acceptance testing framework for Android native and hybrid applications.

How to install Ruby on docker?

I am trying to install ruby on docker. I could install the 1.9 versions but it is not possible to install …

ruby-on-rails ruby docker docker-machine calabash-android
For mobile automation what are the advantages of Appium VS Calabash and of Calabash VS Appium?

I have used Appium in Mobile automation with IOS and Android. I wanted to know about advantages that offers Calabash …

appium calabash calabash-android appium-ios calabash-ios
ADB: How to tap/close from recent apps to completelty through ADB one liner command

I have tried multiple commands to close the app from App switcher but didn't through it. I even don't know …

android adb calabash calabash-android
How to scroll a ListView until I see a specific string with Calabash-Android

I have exact same question as the post below, except that I need it to work for Android and the …

android calabash calabash-android