A CADisplayLink object is a timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display.
I figured out a big problem with CADisplayLink. I have the most basic EAGLLayer with OpenGL ES 1.1 drawing a rotating …
iphone ios performance cadisplaylinkConsider this trivial sync animation using CADisplayLink, var link:CADisplayLink? var startTime:Double = 0.0 let animTime:Double = 0.2 let animMaxVal:CGFloat = 0.4 private …
swift animation cadisplaylinkI've got a project where I'm animating a UIBezierPath based on a set progress. The BezierPath is in the shape …
ios objective-c core-animation uibezierpath cadisplaylinkSince we are talking about programmatically, Instruments are not under my consideration. Some reference listed in advance: Calculate fps (frames …
ios objective-c drawrect frame-rate cadisplaylink