Top "Cadisplaylink" questions

A CADisplayLink object is a timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display.

How to correctly stop and resume a CADisplayLink?

I figured out a big problem with CADisplayLink. I have the most basic EAGLLayer with OpenGL ES 1.1 drawing a rotating …

iphone ios performance cadisplaylink
Correct handling / cleanup / etc of CADisplayLink in Swift custom animation?

Consider this trivial sync animation using CADisplayLink, var link:CADisplayLink? var startTime:Double = 0.0 let animTime:Double = 0.2 let animMaxVal:CGFloat = 0.4 private …

swift animation cadisplaylink
Animating a circular UIBezierPath

I've got a project where I'm animating a UIBezierPath based on a set progress. The BezierPath is in the shape …

ios objective-c core-animation uibezierpath cadisplaylink
How many ways to calculate the FPS (Frames per second) of an iOS App programmatically?

Since we are talking about programmatically, Instruments are not under my consideration. Some reference listed in advance: Calculate fps (frames …

ios objective-c drawrect frame-rate cadisplaylink