Top "C" questions

C is a general-purpose programming language used for system programming (OS and embedded), libraries, games and cross-platform.

How to make clang compile to llvm IR

I want clang to compile my C/C++ code to LLVM bytecode rather than binary executable. How can I achieve …

c llvm clang
How to set include path in xcode project

I am trying to use a C library in an Objective-C Xcode project. The libraries directory structure is as follows: …

c xcode include environment-variables
C - Switch with multiple case numbers

So my professor asked us to create a switch statement. We are allowed to use only the "SWITCH" statement to …

c switch-statement case
unsigned short vs unsigned int - sometimes they are the same range?

What's the difference between unsigned short and unsigned int? I found that unsigned short is 0-65,535 and unsigned int is 0…

c types int short
Combine Gyroscope and Accelerometer Data

I am building a balancing robot using the Lego Mindstorm's NXT system. I am using two sensors from HiTechnic, the …

c algorithm accelerometer lego nxt
Can I define a function inside a C structure?

I am trying to convert some C++ code to C and I am facing some problems. How can I define …

c function structure
What is the difference between exit and return?

What is difference between return and exit statement in C programming when called from anywhere in a C program?

c return exit
Check if a value exists in an array in Cython

I want to know how to check if a value or a object exists in an array, like in python: …

c arrays cython
When to use inline function and when not to use it?

I know that inline is a hint or request to compiler and its used to avoid function call overheads. So …

c++ c inline
Pass an array to a function by value

Below is a snippet from the book C Programming Just the FAQs. Isn't this wrong as Arrays can never be …

c arrays function pass-by-reference pass-by-value