x86_64 calling conventions and stack frames

Amittai Aviram picture Amittai Aviram · Dec 24, 2011 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I am trying to make sense out of the executable code that GCC (4.4.3) is generating for an x86_64 machine running under Ubuntu Linux. In particular, I don't understand how the code keeps track of stack frames. In the old days, in 32-bit code, I was accustomed to seeing this "prologue" in just about every function:

push %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp

Then, at the end of the function, there would come an "epilogue," either

sub $xx, %esp   # Where xx is a number based on GCC's accounting.
pop %ebp

or simply


which accomplishes the same thing:

  • Set the Stack Pointer to the top of the current frame, just below the return address
  • Restore the old Frame Pointer value.

In 64-bit code, as I see it through an objdump disassembly, many functions do not follow this convention--they do not push %rbp and then save %rsp to %rbp, How does a debugger like GDB build a backtrace?

My real goal here to is to try to figure out a reasonable address to consider as the top (highest address) of the user stack when execution reaches the start of an arbitrary function further into the program, where perhaps the Stack Pointer has moved down. For the "top," for instance, the original address of argv would be ideal--but I have no access to it from an arbitrary function that main calls. I had at first thought that I could use the old backtrace method: chasing saved Frame Pointer values until the value saved is 0--then, the next one after that can count as the highest practical value. (This is not the same as getting the address of argv, but it will do--say, to find out the Stack Pointer value at _start or whatever _start calls [e.g., __libc_start_main].) Now, I don't know how to get the equivalent address in 64-bit code.



Adrian Ratnapala picture Adrian Ratnapala · Dec 24, 2011

I think the difference is that omitting the frame pointer is simply more encouraged in amd64. A footnote on page 16 of the abi says

The conventional use of %rbp as a frame pointer for the stack frame may be avoided by using %rsp (the stack pointer) to index into the stack frame. This technique saves two instructions in the prologue and epilogue and makes one additional general-purpose register (%rbp) available.

I don't know what GDB does. I assume that when compiled with -g, objects have magic debugging information that allows GDB to reconstruct what it needs. I don't think I've tried GDB on a 64-bit machine without debugging info.