After fork, do the parent and child process share the file descriptor created by pipe?

q0987 picture q0987 · Jul 11, 2011 · Viewed 15.9k times · Source
int main()
    int data_processed;
    int file_pipes[2];
    const char some_data[] = "123";
    char buffer[BUFSIZ + 1];
    pid_t fork_result;

    memset(buffer, '\0', sizeof(buffer));

    if (pipe(file_pipes) == 0) {
        fork_result = fork();
        if (fork_result == -1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Fork failure");

// We've made sure the fork worked, so if fork_result equals zero, we're in the child process.

        if (fork_result == 0) {
            data_processed = read(file_pipes[0], buffer, BUFSIZ);
            printf("Read %d bytes: %s\n", data_processed, buffer);

// Otherwise, we must be the parent process.

        else {
            data_processed = write(file_pipes[1], some_data,
            printf("Wrote %d bytes\n", data_processed);

Based on my understanding, the child process created by fork doesn't share variables with its parent process. Then, why here the parent can write to one file descriptor and child process can get the data by reading from another file descriptor. Is this because they are controled somehow by the pipe function internally?


duskwuff -inactive- picture duskwuff -inactive- · Jul 11, 2011

File descriptors, including pipes, are duplicated on fork -- the child process ends up with the same file descriptor table, including stdin/out/err and the pipes, as the parent had immediately before the fork.

Based on my understanding, the child process created by fork doesn't share variables with its parent process.

This isn't entirely true -- changes to variables are not shared with the parent, but the values that the parent had immediately prior to the fork are all visible to the child afterwards.

In any case, pipes exist within the operating system, not within the process. As such, data written to one end of the pipe becomes visible to any other process holding a FD for the other end. (If more than one process tries to read the data, the first process to try to read() data gets it, and any other processes miss out.)