C-to-hardware compiler (HLL synthesis)

flolo picture flolo · Apr 9, 2011 · Viewed 15.2k times · Source

I try to make an survey/history of all C-to-hardware compilers.

For all that dont know them: they take C code then translate it into some hardware description language (like VHDL or Verilog), which then can be used to generate hardware (usually it gets mapped to an FPGA - but I am not limited to that, ASIC as target would be fine too).

I already have quite collected some (+ info about them). So my question is: Do you know any other compilers (and if so have any references, pointers, information about them)?

My list so far:

  • AutoESL
  • Bach-C (Sharp)
  • C2H (Altera)
  • C2R (Cebatech)
  • C2Verilog (CompiLogic / C Level Design / Synposys)
  • Carte / MAP (SRC Computers)
  • Cascade (CriticalBlue)
  • CASH (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh)
  • Catapult-C (Mentor Graphics)
  • CHC (Altium)
  • CHiMPS (University of Washington (Seattle) / Xilinx / soon commercial?)
  • C-to-Verilog (Haifa)
  • Comrade (TU Braunschweig E.I.S. + TU Darmstadt E.S.A.)
  • CVC (Hitachi)
  • Cyber (NEC)
  • Daedalus (Uni Amsterdam, Uni Leiden)
  • DIME-C (Nallatech)
  • eXCite (YXI)
  • FP-Compiler (Altera)
  • FpgaC (OpenSource)
  • GarpCC (Callahan, University of California at Berkeley)
  • GAUT (UBS-Universität Frankreich)
  • Handel-C (Celoxica)
  • Hthreads (University of Kansas)
  • Impulse-C (Impulse Accelerated Technologies)
  • Mitrion-C (Mitrionics)
  • DWARV (TU Delft)
  • NIMBLE (Synopsys, E.I.S. Braunschweig)
  • NISC (University of California, Irvine)
  • PICO-Express (Synfora => Synopsys)
  • PRISC (Harvard University, Cambridge)
  • ROCCC (University of California, Riverside)
  • SPARK (University of California, Irvine)
  • SpecC (Gajski et al.)
  • Trident (OpenSource, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  • UGH
  • VEAL
  • vfTools (Vector Fabric)
  • xPilot (University of California, Los Angeles)

(I know not all on the list have C as soure, some use C-similar dialect, and almost all support only a subset, I am also interrested in such).

EDIT: I know how to use google, so I already checked the ususal suspects and have included the results. So it is very likely that someone can only answer here if he does really know some paper or exotic tool (or maybe not so exotic but that implements the functionality somehow hidden, and the compiler is not advertised).


Jerry Coffin picture Jerry Coffin · Apr 9, 2011
