How to set non-selectable default text on QComboBox?

swalog picture swalog · Oct 3, 2011 · Viewed 11.8k times · Source

Using a regular QComboBox populated with items, if currentIndex is set to -1, the widget is empty. It would be very useful to instead have an initial descriptive text visible in the combo box(e.g. "--Select Country--", "--Choose Topic--", etc.) which is not shown in the dropdown list.

I couldn't find anything in the documentation, nor any previous questions with answers.


It doesn't appear that case was anticipated in the Combo Box API. But with the underlying model flexibility it seems you should be able to add your --Select Country-- as a first "legitimate" item, and then keep it from being user selectable:

QStandardItemModel* model =
QModelIndex firstIndex = model->index(0, comboBox->modelColumn(),
QStandardItem* firstItem = model->itemFromIndex(firstIndex);

Depending on what precise behavior you want, you might want to use setEnabled instead. Or I'd personally prefer it if it was just a different color item that I could set it back to:

Qt, How do I change the text color of one item of a QComboBox? (C++)

(I don't like it when I click on something and then get trapped to where I can't get back where I was, even if it's a nothing-selected-yet-state!)