fftshift/ifftshift C/C++ source code

Derek picture Derek · May 6, 2011 · Viewed 20.5k times · Source

Does anyone know if there is any free and open source library that has implemented these two functions the way they are defined in matlab?



Pavan Yalamanchili picture Pavan Yalamanchili · May 6, 2011

FFTHIFT / IFFTSHIFT is a fancy way of doing CIRCSHIFT. You can verify that FFTSHIFT can be rewritten as CIRCSHIFT as following. You can define macros in C/C++ to punt FFTSHIFT to CIRCSHIFT.

A = rand(m, n);
mm = floor(m / 2);
nn = floor(n / 2);
% All three of the following should provide zeros.
circshift(A,[mm, nn]) - fftshift(A)
circshift(A,[mm,  0]) - fftshift(A, 1)
circshift(A,[ 0, nn]) - fftshift(A, 2) 

Similar equivalents can be found for IFFTSHIFT.

Circular shift can be implemented very simply with the following code (Can be improved with parallel versions ofcourse).

template<class ty>
void circshift(ty *out, const ty *in, int xdim, int ydim, int xshift, int yshift)
  for (int i = 0; i < xdim; i++) {
    int ii = (i + xshift) % xdim;
    for (int j = 0; j < ydim; j++) {
      int jj = (j + yshift) % ydim;
      out[ii * ydim + jj] = in[i * ydim + j];

And then

#define fftshift(out, in, x, y) circshift(out, in, x, y, (x/2), (y/2))
#define ifftshift(out, in, x, y) circshift(out, in, x, y, ((x+1)/2), ((y+1)/2))

This was done a bit impromptu. Bear with me if there are any formatting / syntactical problems.