Using GMock to verify a Destructor Call

Andres Jaan Tack picture Andres Jaan Tack · Jan 19, 2011 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

Using GMock, how can I verify that a class's destructor is called? Is there a way, other than to wrap it in another class?

The obvious method, EXPECT_CALL(object, ~classtype()) yields a compiler error (gmock cannot produce a mock method called gmock_~classtype).


nabulke picture nabulke · Jan 19, 2011

An easy way to check for a destructor call:

class MockFoo : public Foo {
  // Add the following two lines to the mock class.
  MOCK_METHOD0(Die, void());
  virtual ~MockFoo() { Die(); }

In your test function:

 MockFoo* foo = new MockFoo;
    EXPECT_CALL(*foo, Die());

More Details can be found here: Mocking Destructors