Why are c/c++ floating point types so oddly named?

Roddy picture Roddy · Dec 30, 2008 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

C++ offers three floating point types: float, double, and long double. I infrequently use floating-point in my code, but when I do, I'm always caught out by warnings on innocuous lines like

float PiForSquares = 4.0;

The problem is that the literal 4.0 is a double, not a float - Which is irritating.

For integer types, we have short int, int and long int, which is pretty straightforward. Why doesn't C just have short float, float and long float? And where on earth did "double" come from?

EDIT: It seems the relationship between floating types is similar to that of integers. double must be at least as big as float, and long double is at least as big as double. No other guarantees of precision/range are made.


Norman Ramsey picture Norman Ramsey · Dec 30, 2008

The terms "single precision" and "double precision" originated in FORTRAN and were already in wide use when C was invented. On early 1970s machines, single precision was significantly more efficient and as today, used half as much memory as double precision. Hence it was a reasonable default for floating-point numbers.

long double was added much later when the IEEE standard made allowances for the Intel 80287 floating-point chip, which used 80-bit floating-point numbers instead of the classic 64-bit double precision.

Questioner is incorrect about guarantees; today almost all languages guarantee to implement IEEE 754 binary floating-point numbers at single precision (32 bits) and double precision (64 bits). Some also offer extended precision (80 bits), which shows up in C as long double. The IEEE floating-point standard, spearheaded by William Kahan, was a triumph of good engineering over expediency: on the machines of the day, it looked prohibitively expensive, but on today's machines it is dirt cheap, and the portability and predictability of IEEE floating-point numbers must save gazillions of dollars every year.