C++ - upcasting and downcasting

Mihai picture Mihai · Jan 30, 2016 · Viewed 26.1k times · Source

In my example:

At upcasting, shouldn't the second d.print() call print "base"?

Isn't it "d" derived object upcasted to a base class object?

And at downcasting, what advantages does it have?

Could you explain upcast and downcast in a practical way?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
    void print() { cout << "base" << endl; }

class Derived :public Base{
    void print() { cout << "derived" << endl; }


void main()
    // Upcasting
    Base *pBase;
    Derived d;
    pBase = &d;

    // Downcasting
    Derived *pDerived;
    Base *b;
    pDerived = (Derived*)b;


vsoftco picture vsoftco · Jan 30, 2016

Up-casting is implicit in C++, and is used a lot when you deal with virtual dispatching. In other words, you have a pointer to Base from which you can access the common interface of a whole hierarchy of classes, and the selection can be done at runtime. This assumes that your interface functions are marked virtual. Example:

Base* pBase; 
cin >> x; 
if(x == 0) // this is done at runtime, as we don't know x at compile time
    pBase = new Derived1;
    pBase = new Derived2;

pBase->draw(); // draw is a virtual member function

It is extremely useful in these situations in which the dispatch is done at runtime. Simply said, upcasting allows one to treat a derived class as a base class (via its common interface).

Down-casting is less useful, and IMO should be avoided whenever one can. In general is a sign of bad design, as one rarely needs to convert a Base object to a derived one. It can be done (and the result checked) via dynamic_cast, like

Base* pBase = new Derived; // OK, the dynamic type of pBase is Derived
Derived* pDerived = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(pBase);
if(pDerived) // always test  
    // success
    // fail to down-cast

This link provides a quite useful intro to the subject.