I have a typedef
typedef unsigned int my_type;
used in a file. I would like to make it visible across all my files, without putting it in a header file included by everything. I don't want to go the header file route because as it stands this will be the only declaration in the header file (and it seems unnecessary to add a file just for this).
Is there a way to do this?
If instead I had:
typedef X my_type;
where X was a class, would I need to include X.h everywhere and have the typedef at the end of X.h ?
I don't want to go the header file route because as it stands this will be the only declaration in the header file (and it seems unnecessary to add a file just for this).
What's the problem with that? It seems just as unnecessary to avoid creating a file at all costs.
Is there a way to do this?
Not as far as I am aware.
would I need to include X.h everywhere and have the typedef at the end of X.h ?
No, but that's probably the best thing. The only reason you should be doing that is if X is a template, and you need templates to be in headers anyway.