C++ Google Mock SaveArg : how to save a pointer argument

John picture John · Sep 17, 2014 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

I having difficulty saving a pointer argument that my mock receives.

#define SIZE_OF_DATA

typedef struct {
    uint32_t someValue1;
    uint16_t someValue2;
    // other values here
} LargeStruct;

class SomeClass {
    // assume sendData is a generic function where data is actually pointer to a LargeStruct
    void sendData(const uint8_t* data, const uint16_t size);

class MockClass : public SomeClass {
    MOCK_METHOD2(sendData, void(const uint8_t*, const uint16_t));

I want to save the first argument to sendData (the pointer) and look at the data it points to (it points to a large struct, so I don't want to copy by value):

TEST(SomeFixture, sendData_checkSentDataIsValid) {
   MockClass mock;

  const uint8_t *pData;
  EXPECT_CALL(mock, sendData(_, SIZE_OF_DATA)).WillOnce(SaveArg<0>(&pData));

  // do something here that calls sendData()

  // hopefully data should point to the same data that was passed in to the method
  LargeStruct *ls = (LargeStruct *)pData;

  // now verify that the data is ok...
  // some expectations here


However, the data pointed to by pData is wrong - I think I appear to be saving the pointer value into the struct, rather than saving the pointer.

I think the problem lies in the variable I pass to SaveArg, but I can't seem to get it in a version that compiles and gives me the correct answer. Any pointers please?


Dale Stewart picture Dale Stewart · Apr 28, 2015

I just ran into the same situation, and in my case, I had to make sure that the pointer passed into the equivalent of your sendData() function was not pointing to an automatic variable on the stack. Otherwise, by the time you access the pointer, the contents will have changed. I found that less than helpful, so I decided to define a customized alternative to SaveArg like this:

                HAS_1_TEMPLATE_PARAMS(int, k),
    const void * data = ::std::tr1::get<k>(args);
    const LargeStruct* ls = (const LargeStruct *)data;
    *pointer = ls->someValue1;

You can then use it like this:

uint32_t someValue1;
EXPECT_CALL(mock, sendData(_, SIZE_OF_DATA))