io_iterator_t enumerator;
kern_return_t result;
result = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(
IOServiceMatching( "IOFireWireLocalNode" ),
(void *)0x1234,
& enumerator );
serviceMatchingCallback((void *)0x1234, enumerator);
if i declare serviceMatchinCallback as static then it works, but i do not want it to be static. Is there a way to pass it a non-static callback function?
Thank you
The prototype for IOServiceMatchingCallback is not compatible with a non-static class method (and technically is not compatible with a static class method either), so you are not going to be able to use that.
But luckily IOServiceAddMatchingNotification supports a context pointer (or as they call it, a refCon) which will allow you to create a thunk that does not rely on global data.
You need to define a callback with compatible linkage (i.e. extern "C"). This function will cast your refCon to your object pointer and then forward the call to your instance method:
extern "C"
void io_callback(void *refcon, io_iterator_t iterator)
myclass *c = static_cast<myclass *>(refcon);
Then, when you call IOServiceAddMatchingNotification, make sure to pass a pointer to your object for refCon (here I'm assuming you call IOServiceAddMatchingNotification from a member function and you have a this pointer):
result = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(
IOServiceMatching( "IOFireWireLocalNode" ),
&enumerator );