I have a matrix
Mat B(480,640,CV_32FC1);
containing floating values..I want to write this matrix to a file which could be opened in notepad or Ms word or Excel to see the values inside and for storage....imwrite function can save 8-bit or 16-bit image only..
Drop in your suggestions if this could be done?? if yes, how ??
Using pure OpenCV API calls:
// Declare what you need
cv::FileStorage file("some_name.ext", cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
cv::Mat someMatrixOfAnyType;
// Write to file!
file << "matName" << someMatrixOfAnyType;
The file extension can be xml or yml. In both cases you get a small header that you can easily remove/parse, then you have access to the data in a floating point format. I used this approach successfully (with yml files) to get data into Matlab and Matplotlib
To get the data:
Voilà. You may have to reshape the resulting matrix in matlab command line if it didn't guess correctly the image size.