Using googlemock EXPECT_CALL with shared_ptr?

User picture User · Apr 26, 2012 · Viewed 17.3k times · Source

I have a test that works fine with a raw pointer, but I'm having trouble getting it work with a std::shared_ptr. The class is like this:

class MyClass
    MyClass(SomeService *service);
    void DoIt();

My test code is like:

    class MyClassTests : public ::testing::Test
            myClass_(new MyClass(&service_))

        SomeServiceFake service_;
        MyClassSharedPointer myClass_;

TEST_F(MyClassTests, DoIt_DoesNotMeetCriteria_DoesNotPerformAction) {

    // Arrange
    EXPECT_CALL(service_, MeetsCriteria(_))

    EXPECT_CALL(service_, PerformAction(_))

    // Act

In this test, service_ is a mock/fake created on the stack in the test and I pass the address into the constructor of MyClass. Changing MyClass to take service as a shared_ptr, my new class looks like:

class MyClass
    MyClass(std::shared_ptr<SomeService> service);

What I'm trying in my test is:

    class MyClassTests : public ::testing::Test
            myClass_(new MyClass(std::shared_ptr<SomeService>(&service_)))


When I do this, however, the test fails with a:

Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: _CtrlIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)

In a nutshell, I need a shared_ptr to service_ (which is a fake object) to pass to the MyClass constructor and I need a non-pointer for the EXPECT_CALL function. How can I get this to work correctly?


Tried dynamically allocating SomeServiceFake to get the shared_ptr and then using the * operator on service_, this gets me "further" but now I get the following error:

error : this mock object
(used in test MyClassTests.DoIt_DoesNotMeetCriteria_DoesNotPerformAction)
should be deleted but never is. Its address is @009BBA68.
1>EXEC : error : 1 leaked mock object found at program exit.


Using Mock::AllowLeak(service_.get()); so I can get around this problem for now. Hopefully I'll get an answer.


Fraser picture Fraser · Apr 27, 2012

Define your test class more like this:

class MyClassTests : public ::testing::Test {
      service_(new SomeServiceFake), myClass_(new MyClass(service_)) {}
  std::shared_ptr<SomeServiceFake> service_;
  std::shared_ptr<MyClass> myClass_;

and your test:

  EXPECT_CALL(*service_, MeetsCriteria(_))

  EXPECT_CALL(*service_, PerformAction(_))