List<T> to implement IQueryable<T>

Sly picture Sly · Jul 20, 2011 · Viewed 26.9k times · Source

I'm trying to create a mock for my IRepository interface:

public interface IRepository<T> : ICollection<T>, IQueryable<T>

With this implementation:

public class RepositoryFake<T> : List<T>, IRepository<T>
    public Expression Expression
            return this.AsQueryable().Expression;

    public Type ElementType
            return this.AsQueryable().ElementType;

    public IQueryProvider Provider
            return this.AsQueryable().Provider;

But when I use it, I'm getting StackOverflow exception. How to implement this interface correctly to be able to use just a List as a repository?

Usage is very simple

public void Test()
    RepositoryFake<User> users = new RepositoryFake<User>();
    users.Add(new User());

    List<User> list = (from user in users 
                 where user.Id == "5"
                 select user).ToList();

    Assert.That(list, Is.Empty);

Here is screenshot of exception:



CodesInChaos picture CodesInChaos · Jul 20, 2011

The reason for your problem is that if you perform AsQueryable it checks if the object already implements IQueryable and if yes returns it.

Use new EnumerableQuery<T>(this) instead of AsQueryable which doesn't perform this check.

Workaround for .net 3.5:

return ((IEnumerable<T>)this).Select(x=>x).AsQueryable()

First casts to IEnumerable<T> so the chosen Select method will be Enumerable.Select not Queryable.Select. The identity select will then return a new object that does not implement IQueryable<T>, so the check if it's implemented in AsQueryable fails.