What is the purpose of AsQueryable()?

Ocelot20 picture Ocelot20 · Jun 28, 2013 · Viewed 83.9k times · Source

Is the purpose of AsQueryable() just so you can pass around an IEnumerable to methods that might expect IQueryable, or is there a useful reason to represent IEnumerable as IQueryable? For example, is it supposed to be for cases like this:

IEnumerable<Order> orders = orderRepo.GetAll();

// I don't want to create another method that works on IEnumerable,
// so I convert it here.

public static int CountOrders(IQueryable<Order> ordersQuery)
    return ordersQuery.Count();

Or does it actually make it do something different:

IEnumerable<Order> orders = orderRepo.GetAll();
IQueryable<Order> ordersQuery = orders.AsQueryable();

IEnumerable<Order> filteredOrders = orders.Where(o => o.CustomerId == 3);
IQueryable<Order> filteredOrdersQuery = ordersQuery.Where(o => o.CustomerId == 3);

// Are these executed in a different way?
int result1 = filteredOrders.Count();
int result2 = filteredOrdersQuery.Count();

Do the IQueryable versions of these extension methods just build up an Expression that ends up doing the same thing once its executed? My main question is, whats a real use case for using AsQueryable?


Servy picture Servy · Dec 4, 2013

There are a few main uses.

  1. As mentioned in other answers, you can use it to mock a queryable data source using an in-memory data source so that you can more easily test methods that will eventually be used on a non-enumerable based IQueryable.

  2. You can write helper methods for manipulating collections that can apply to either in-memory sequences or external data sources. If you write your help methods to use IQueryable entirely you can just use AsQueryable on all enumerables to use them. This allows you to avoid writing two separate versions of very generalized helper methods.

  3. It allows you to change the compile time type of a queryable to be an IQueryable, rather than some more derived type. In effect; you'd use it on an IQueryable at the same times that you'd use AsEnumerable on an IEnumerable. You might have an object that implements IQueryable but that also has an instance Select method. If that were the case, and you wanted to use the LINQ Select method, you'd need to change the compile time type of the object to IQueryable. You could just cast it, but by having an AsQueryable method you can take advantage of type inference. This is simply more convenient if the generic argument list is complex, and it is actually necessary if any of the generic arguments are anonymous types.