EntityFramework show entities before saving changes

Mix Net picture Mix Net · Mar 28, 2011 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

Entity Framework ObjectSet with its method ToList shows just saved entities. That means, when I call


and then (without calling SaveChanges)

myDataGrid.DataContext = context.Customers.ToList();

the DataGrid doesn't show the newly added entity (even context.Customers.Count() doesn't include it).

Is there any way to show these entities (those with EntityState = Added) ?

Thanks in advance.


Ladislav Mrnka picture Ladislav Mrnka · Mar 28, 2011

I think you can get unsaved added entities by calling something like:

var inserted = context.ObjectStateManager
                      .Where(e => !e.IsRelationship)
                      .Select(e => e.Entity)

But just by reading your question, I'm affraid that you are trying to do something wrong. Why do you need to combine unsaved entities with retrieved? If you need to show unsaved content you should simply keep it in your own separate collection.