retrieve data from firebase real time database using firesharp library in c#

vikas dabade picture vikas dabade · Apr 19, 2018 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source
IFirebaseConfig config = new FirebaseConfig();
config.Serializer = new ServiceStackJsonSerializer(); //Register ServiceStack.Text
config.Serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();          //Register Json.Net
config.AuthSecret = "authsecret here";
config.BasePath = "";
IFirebaseClient client = new FirebaseClient(config);
FirebaseResponse response = client.Get("abc/pqr");

I am getting error in response as 'could not parse auth token', I am using FireSharp library and trying to retrieve data from firebase database


Navoneel Talukdar picture Navoneel Talukdar · Apr 19, 2018

I see you are not defining auth key in firebaseconfig.See github project.

IFirebaseConfig config = new FirebaseConfig
     AuthSecret = "your-auth-secret",
     BasePath = "<your-firebase-reference-link>"


IFirebaseClient client;

client = new FirebaseClient(config);
         await client.OnAsync("FireSharp/Name/", (sender, args) =>
                //Gets the Unique ID and deletes the any other string attached to it
                string dataFromFB = args.Data;
                string paths = args.Path;
                string key = RemoveNameSubstring(paths);
                string uniqueKey = key.Split('/').Last();
                if (keyHolder.ContainsKey(uniqueKey))
                    keyHolder[uniqueKey] = dataFromFB;
                    keyHolder.Add(uniqueKey, dataFromFB);