What is the nicest way of replacing the host-part of an Uri using .NET?
string ReplaceHost(string original, string newHostName);
string s = ReplaceHost("http://oldhostname/index.html", "newhostname");
Assert.AreEqual("http://newhostname/index.html", s);
string s = ReplaceHost("http://user:pass@oldhostname/index.html", "newhostname");
Assert.AreEqual("http://user:pass@newhostname/index.html", s);
string s = ReplaceHost("ftp://user:pass@oldhostname", "newhostname");
Assert.AreEqual("ftp://user:pass@newhostname", s);
System.Uri does not seem to help much.
System.UriBuilder is what you are after...
string ReplaceHost(string original, string newHostName) {
var builder = new UriBuilder(original);
builder.Host = newHostName;
return builder.Uri.ToString();