I am using Linq to DataTable. How I can apply like operator in where clause. I want to do a search on data just as we have like operator in SQL.
I searched and tried the following code but got an error: Method 'Boolean Like(System.String, System.String)' cannot be used on the client; it is only for translation to SQL.
var details = from addresses in dt.AsEnumerable()
where SqlMethods.Like(prefixText, prefixText + "%") || SqlMethods.Like(prefixText, "%" + prefixText + "%")
select (string) addresses["Details"];
return details.ToArray();
Your best bet may be to re-write it as a regex an use
where yourRegex.IsMatch(row.SomeValue)
Or if it is just starts-with queries:
where row.SomeValue.StartsWith(prefix)