I'm trying to implement minimax algorithm by Jason Fox (http://neverstopbuilding.com/minimax), but it isn't working, the computer is just making moves randomly. Here is the Game
class I wrote (I had to create a cloneGrid
function because arrays were getting passed as references, is there a better way to overcome this problem? ) :
class Game
public enum Piece { Empty = 0, X = 1, O = 2 };
static int[,] winConditions = new int[8, 3]
{ 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 }, { 6, 7, 8 },
{ 0, 3, 6 }, { 1, 4, 7 }, { 2, 5, 8 },
{ 0, 4, 8 }, { 2, 4, 6 }
public Piece[] Grid = new Piece[9];
public Piece CurrentTurn = Piece.X;
int Choice = 0;
public Piece Computer;
public Piece Player;
public Game()
CurrentTurn = Piece.X;
Player = Piece.X;
public void Reset()
CurrentTurn = Piece.X;
Grid = new Piece[9];
public void SetPlayer(Piece Player)
this.Player = Player;
this.Computer = switchPiece(Player);
public void MakeMove(int Move)
if(CurrentTurn == Player)
Grid = makeGridMove(Grid, CurrentTurn, Move);
CurrentTurn = switchPiece(CurrentTurn);
else if(CurrentTurn == Computer)
minimax(cloneGrid(Grid), CurrentTurn);
Grid = makeGridMove(Grid, CurrentTurn, Choice);
CurrentTurn = switchPiece(CurrentTurn);
int minimax(Piece[] InputGrid, Piece Player)
Piece[] Grid = cloneGrid(InputGrid);
if (checkScore(Grid, Player) != 0)
return checkScore(Grid, Player);
else if (checkGameEnd(Grid)) return 0;
List<int> scores = new List<int>();
List<int> moves = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
if (Grid[i] == Piece.Empty)
scores.Add(minimax(makeGridMove(Grid, Player, i), switchPiece(Player)));
if(Player == Computer)
int MaxScoreIndex = scores.IndexOf(scores.Max());
Choice = moves[MaxScoreIndex];
return scores.Max();
int MinScoreIndex = scores.IndexOf(scores.Min());
Choice = moves[MinScoreIndex];
return scores.Min();
static int checkScore(Piece[] Grid, Piece Player)
if (checkGameWin(Grid, Player)) return 10;
else if (checkGameWin(Grid, switchPiece(Player))) return -10;
else return 0;
static bool checkGameWin(Piece[] Grid, Piece Player)
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
Grid[winConditions[i, 0]] == Player &&
Grid[winConditions[i, 1]] == Player &&
Grid[winConditions[i, 2]] == Player
return true;
return false;
static bool checkGameEnd(Piece[] Grid)
foreach (Piece p in Grid) if (p == Piece.Empty) return false;
return true;
static Piece switchPiece(Piece Piece)
if (Piece == Piece.X) return Piece.O;
else return Piece.X;
static Piece[] cloneGrid(Piece[] Grid)
Piece[] Clone = new Piece[9];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) Clone[i] = Grid[i];
return Clone;
static Piece[] makeGridMove(Piece[] Grid, Piece Move, int Position)
Piece[] newGrid = cloneGrid(Grid);
newGrid[Position] = Move;
return newGrid;
This is dumb, but the mistake is that i was checking the score w.r.t the current player, but it should only be checked w.r.t the AI. so the solution is to use: checkScore(Grid, Computer), not checkScore(Grid, Player)