Faster way to cast a Func<T, T2> to Func<T, object>?

mythz picture mythz · Jan 30, 2010 · Viewed 11k times · Source

Is there a faster way to cast Fun<TEntity, TId> to Func<TEntity, object>

public static class StaticAccessors<TEntity>
 public static Func<TEntity, TId> TypedGetPropertyFn<TId>(PropertyInfo pi)
  var mi = pi.GetGetMethod();
  return (Func<TEntity, TId>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TEntity, TId>), mi);

 public static Func<TEntity, object> ValueUnTypedGetPropertyTypeFn(PropertyInfo pi)
  var mi = typeof(StaticAccessors<TEntity>).GetMethod("TypedGetPropertyFn");
  var genericMi = mi.MakeGenericMethod(pi.PropertyType);
  var typedGetPropertyFn = (Delegate)genericMi.Invoke(null, new[] { pi });

  //slow: lambda includes a reflection call
  return x => typedGetPropertyFn.Method.Invoke(x, new object[] { }); //can we replace this?

Is there a way to convert typedGetPropertyFn to a Func<TEntity, object> without having reflection code in the returned lambda like the example above?

EDIT: added modified solution

Ok thanks to 280Z28 for leading me down the right path which I've included in the final solution below. I've left the reflection code in there for platforms that don't support Expressions. For platforms that do it's showing a 26x to 27x (13 / .5 ticks avg) perf increase for getting int and string properties.

public static Func<TEntity, object> ValueUnTypedGetPropertyTypeFn(PropertyInfo pi)
    var mi = typeof(StaticAccessors<TEntity>).GetMethod("TypedGetPropertyFn");
    var genericMi = mi.MakeGenericMethod(pi.PropertyType);
    var typedGetPropertyFn = (Delegate)genericMi.Invoke(null, new[] { pi });

    return x => typedGetPropertyFn.Method.Invoke(x, new object[] { });
    var typedMi = typedGetPropertyFn.Method;
    var obj = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "oFunc");
    var expr = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, object>> (
                    Expression.Convert(obj, typedMi.DeclaringType),
    return expr.Compile();


jonnii picture jonnii · Jan 30, 2010

Have you considered doing the following:

 Func<Foo, Bar> typed = (f) => return new Bar();
 Func<Foo, object> untyped = (f) => typed(f);

This way you just wrap the delegate.