How to set video resolution?

Donohvan picture Donohvan · Oct 17, 2013 · Viewed 18.4k times · Source

I'm working with aForge and I'm attempting to set the resolution for a video feed from an USB webcam so it fits properly in a pictureBox. I'm aiming for a resolution of 800x600, but the default resolution I get is about 640x480. When I try to set the resolution, I get the message that "members of readonly field cannot be modified". Does anyone with experience with aForge have any ideas/a solution?


Douglas_Londoo picture Douglas_Londoo · Jan 5, 2014

Exactly: the desiredFrameSize property is obsolete. You must use the VideoResolution property; for example, using resolution number 0:

yourvideoSource.VideoResolution = yourvideoSource.VideoCapabilities[0];

The number of the array represents a different resolution.

Use the following command to determine the amount of available resolutions and dimensions:


for (int i = 0; i < yourvideoSource.VideoCapabilities.Length; i++ ){

    string resolution= "Resolution Number "+Convert.Tostring(i);
    string resolution_size = yourvideoSource.VideoCapabilities[i].FrameSize.ToString();