Differences between AForge and OpenCV

vrish88 picture vrish88 · Apr 14, 2009 · Viewed 29.6k times · Source

I am just learning about computer vision and C#. It seems like two prominent image processing libraries are OpenCV and AForge. What are some of the differences of the two?

I am making a basic image editor in C# and while researching I have come across articles on both. But I don't really know why I would choose one over the other. I would like to eventually improve the app to include more advanced functions.



Guido picture Guido · Jan 23, 2011

Well, why not using both ;) ??

I am using (literally in C# ... lol) EMGUCV.NET (which is an OpenCV C# wrapper) and AFORGE.NET at the same time:

AFORGE.NET plus its "Image Processing Lab" makes much sense for filtering options (edge detection, thresholds, and so forth) and easing viewing functionalities.

OpenCV provides all the rest like SIFT/SURF and other more sophisticated image processing routines.

That's why you use .NET: simply bring all the components you need together in one application :)