Any bug tracking addin for Visual Studio?

esac picture esac · Oct 2, 2009 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

I don't want a fancy bug tracking suite. Sometimes I am working on projects/tools for myself, and I just want to keep track of any bugs, features, etc.. as I go along. I keep these in TODO and a bugs.txt for now, but it would be nice if there was a typical bug tracking system that would be stored with the project or solution file itself.

EDIT: To clarify, if I have to run any server portion to access it (website, database, etc..) then it becomes sort of useless to me. I want it stored with the project itself so that I can open it up on multiple computers.


Amadiere picture Amadiere · Oct 2, 2009

Fogbugz is a great solution. However, I'm not sure this classes as a suite or not. It maybe does. It has some useful features which include (in addition to the website), Visual Studio integration and Source Control intergration. You can even add comments in your code to tie your fixes, bugs and code together.