My question is how to get the number of rows returned by a query using SqlDataReader
in C#. I've seen some answers about this but none were clearly defined except for one that states to do a while loop with Read()
method and increment a counter.
My problem is that I am trying to fill a multi-dimensional array with the first row being the column header names and every row after that to the be the row data.
I know that I can just dump the stuff in a List control and not worry about it, but for my own personal edification and I would also like to pull the data in and out of the array as I choose and display it in different formats.
So I think I can't do the Read()
and then increment ++ way because that means that I would have to open Read()
and then open Read()
again to get amount of rows and then column data.
Just a small example of what I'm talking about:
int counter = 0;
while (sqlRead.Read())
//get rows
and then a for loop to run through the columns and pop
int dbFields = sqlRead.FieldCount;
for (int i = 0; i < dbFields; i++)
// do stuff to array
There are only two options:
Find out by reading all rows (and then you might as well store them)
run a specialized SELECT COUNT(*) query beforehand.
Going twice through the DataReader loop is really expensive, you would have to re-execute the query.
And (thanks to Pete OHanlon) the second option is only concurrency-safe when you use a transaction with a Snapshot isolation level.
Since you want to end up storing all rows in memory anyway the only sensible option is to read all rows in a flexible storage (List<>
or DataTable
) and then copy the data to any format you want. The in-memory operation will always be much more efficient.