I'm having a small problem. I need to save the sortation (by which Column and Ascending or Descending) and load it on the next start of the program. Getting the currently selected Column is no problem i do this via
private int GetSortColumn()
DataGridViewColumn sortColumn = this.dataGridView.SortedColumn;
if (sortColumn != null)
Properties.Settings.Default.sortingColumnSortMode = dataGridView.SortOrder;
return sortColumn.Index;
return -1;
And save the data in my settings. Setting this property is also no problem:
private void SetSortColumn(int indexOfColumn)
if (indexOfColumn != null && indexOfColumn != -1)
this.dataGridView.Sort(this.dataGridView.Columns[indexOfColumn], ListSortDirection.Descending);
But I need to save and set the ascending or descending property also. How do I do this? Is there a way to get a ListSortDirection with the dataGridView.SortedColumn? Or is there a better solution to set if the dataGridView is sorted in ascending or descending order?
Thanks and greetings! reijin
ok, I was able to fix my problem by simply adding a switch in my SetSortColumn:
private void SetSortColumn(int indexOfColumn)
if (indexOfColumn != null && indexOfColumn != -1)
ListSortDirection listSort;
switch (Properties.Settings.Default.sortingColumnSortMode)
case SortOrder.Ascending:
listSort = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
case SortOrder.Descending:
listSort = ListSortDirection.Descending;
listSort = ListSortDirection.Descending;
this.dataGridView.Sort(this.dataGridView.Columns[indexOfColumn], listSort);
Maybe it will help others ;)