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LINQ to SQL: Return anonymous type?
I have a standard LINQ to SQL query, which returns the data as an anonymous type (containing about 6 columns of data of various datatypes).
I would like to make this returned object available to other parts of the program, either by returning it to the method-caller, or by assigning it to a property of the object containing the method.
How can I do this given that it is an anonymous type ("var")?
EDIT - Here is the code:
using (ormDataContext context = new ormDataContext(connStr))
var electionInfo = from t1 in context.elections
join t2 in context.election_status
on t1.statusID equals t2.statusID
select new { t1, t2 };
Make the anonymous type into a class...
public class Person
public Person() {
public String Name { get; set; }
public DateTime DOB { get; set; }
Person p =
from person in db.People
where person.Id = 1
select new Person {
Name = person.Name,
DOB = person.DateOfBirth