What I want to do, is make the text that I output via the Console.Writeline method line up perfectly regardless of length.
// Notice that no matter the length of the text on the left,
// the text on the right is always spaced at least 5 spaces.
this is output text
this is also output text
output text
my output text
Am I going to have to write my own method for this, or does .Net contain something that I can use already?
Think in Linq instead!
var outputs = new List<string>() {
"this is output",
"this is also output",
"my output"
var size = outputs.Max (str => str.Length) + 5;
Console.WriteLine (
outputs.Select (str => str.PadRight( size ) + "Text" ) )
this is output Text
this is also output Text
output Text
my output Text