Top "Byobu" questions

How do you detach a remote screen session in byobu (tmux)?

I am currently in a byobu-tmux session and am ssh'ed into a screen session. How do I detach the remote …

tmux gnu-screen byobu
byobu ERROR: Sessions should be nested with care. Unset $TMUX to force

I encountered the following ERROR messages: 1. byobu ERROR: Sessions should be nested with care. Unset $TMUX to force. some versions …

OS X Byobu Vertical Split

I'm currently on OS X using iTerm2 and byobu, and I can't figure out how to split my screen vertically …

macos byobu
Multi-Session Manager for Git Bash Like GNU's Screen

I'm not sure what to name this question, as I am not sure what the technical name is for the …

git cygwin tmux gnu-screen byobu
How can I reattach to my byobu/tmux session?

I'm using byobu with a tmux backend in Ubuntu 14.04. The standard methods for selecting/viewing sessions such as byobu-select-session and …

tmux byobu
Modify Key-Bindings in Byobu

I have recently installed byobu terminal multiplexer, and I found that I am not able to move in a fast …
