Top "Bundles" questions

Bundles are a group of resources.

How to handle Translation in twig file using variables?

I have a twig file and a yml, in which I define the variables for translation e.g.: YML File …

symfony translation twig code-translation bundles
Maven: Unresolved references to [org.osgi.service.http]

I'm trying to create a bundle using HttpService for register Servlet using maven-bundle-plugin. The pom.xml of the project is: &…

maven bundles
How can we install webpack on Windows?

I have installed webpack on Ubuntu using following command on terminal npm install -g webpack How to install same on …

javascript webpack bundles
How can I find app/AppKernel.php in Symfony 4?

I want to register a bundle in the AppKernel Class in Symfony 4 according to this tutorial:…

php symfony symfony4 bundles symfony-kernel